Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Perpetually Behind

How is it only Wednesday? I had convinced myself today was definitely Thursday since about 8 am and although I'm ok with an extra day to get things done, I certainly want the weekend to be here. You know those weeks when you get your inbox to 10 and voicemail to 0 and then in 2 hours time you're back to 60 e-mails and 5 voice mails? And you have everything ironed and put away for the afternoon and then evening rolls around and suddenly 12 more shirts have emerged from the dryer and need to be ironed? Yes, that is this week and I have 2 more days to get caught up before I let it all go.

If you're feeling the same, hang in there friends!

// Image from Floral Mountains //

1 comment:

  1. I've totally been a day ahead in my mind this week too!


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