Friday, October 12, 2012


This little illustration pretty much summed up my attitude about two weeks ago. I had been out of a work out schedule for months and I mentally could not get out of the slump...think: "the spirit is willing but the body is weak."

I pulled out every excuse - the gym is too far, I'm too tired after work, I don't want to leave Chief for that long, I don't have time, blah blah blah - you name it, I said it. Thank goodness Taylor would not give in to my excuses, even though it was hard to hear the truth (and easier to be prideful :) I was tempted to think that Taylor just wanted me to work out more so I would look better (not that I blame him ha) when in reality he just wanted me to be healthy.

He signed me up for 5 classes at a local yoga studio with a two week expiration so I had to go and I am so thankful he did. I feel motivated to push my body beyond comfortable limits and seeing little results (thanks to a fast metabolism) makes me want to push further!

My favorite mantra from one of the instructors was "be kind to yourself." Isn't it true that the most critical voice is often our own? If I stay positive and overcome the thoughts of self-doubt or judgment, I know I can do this! And you can too :)

P.S. For extra motivation, I've made myself a new Pinterest board.

// Photo via Modern Hepburn //

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